Tuesday, October 14, 2008

today I played

One of Tilly's daughters loaned me several of her precious baby dolls. I wanted to challenge myself in difficult lighting situations and experiment with different angles and poses. It was very helpful and a lot of fun!

Too, way back when I'd mentioned new toys. One was my Crumpler bag and the other was a new lens. There was a third item as well but I hadn't really had a chance to play with it a whole lot. I did tonight and thought I'd share the results. Here's my "before" shot:

And "after":

If you've been following my photography for any length of time, you'll know I am obsessed with natural light. I work to make the most of it in even the darkest of circumstances. Unfortunately, hospitals leave a great deal to be desired - especially if I'm called to photograph at night or in the NICU. I wanted something small and easy-to-use; I'd already been spending a great deal of time on Gary Fong's website when someone made mention of the Puffer. The on-camera flash drives me NUTS with its tendency to wash out the subject (the light bounces off of the subject's face and shoots right back at the camera). The Puffer (see the "after" shot, above) seems to work best in manual mode. It's still a flash but will suffice in a tight spot.

I'm not sure how many of you take time to visit the Image is Found blog but I thought I'd post this here in case this is new news to you. There is a VERY COOL point and shoot on the market, you can learn more about it by clicking HERE.

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1 comment:

Mellissa said...

Very cool tool (puffer)! I will have to look into that one as well. Looks like it was a very successful day of play too! it's nice to have those and feel produtive about it!