Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Remembrance Day

Today is the third annual Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Angie has created a post HERE for mom's who've experienced loss - more than 1,000 women have posted comments, sharing their own stories of loss. Simply heartbreaking. If you feel led to shower some women in prayer, be sure to check it out. For those of you who've walked that painful road, you'll find a load of helpful resources HERE.

Too, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep is holding its annual fund drive through October 31st. If you're interested in contributing, click HERE. To learn more about our services, check out this beautiful video entitled, "From the Heart of a Parent."

In loving memory of my babies who are gone but not forgotten.

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Mellissa said...

Thank you for telling us about Rememberance Day. You and so many other women are in my prayers today. Blessings to you Tina.

Amy said...

Thinking of you and your sweet heavenly babies, and all the other parents who have endured such losses.