Friday, January 1, 2010

the year in review

my family

As I'm sure it did for you as well, the year 2009 had its ups and downs. Kathie inspired me so much with THIS POST, I thought I'd do the same... but when I had trouble keeping things down to less than 5,000 words, I opted instead for the top ten highlights of 2009:

9. Ren had his tonsils ripped out after months of illness (and he hasn't been sick a day since).
8. Meeley started middle school.
7. My Phoebe phone was laid to rest.
6. It was the Year of the Makeover - a new photography website, updated blog, and whiter teeth.
5. Campstravaga 2009 (which is just a fancy way of saying 'we went camping with a big group of friends').
4. My boys grew out their hair... big time.
3. The chicken/spinach WIN!
2. This dream came true thanks to a fall filled with wonderful clients :)
1. After three LOOOOOOONG years of waiting, my garden was a go!

Looking forward to 2010 and all it has in store. Happy New Year!

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theheartofachild said...

Was curious about the dream that came true post...but it took me to the sleepover? Thinking that wasn't the I love reading about people reaching dreams/goals!!!!

~Kathie~ said...

Great post Tina! Love how you did a top ten review and your number 10was hilarious :). Happy New year to you.

Tina Vega said...

Oops! I fixed that link, Jenny!

theheartofachild said...

Thanks!!! :-)