Monday, January 25, 2010

for the love of Tweet

I may not always have time to blog but I always have time to Tweet. Here's what you've been missing if you haven't been following along on Twitter:

these are THE BEST

We're on our third box, I kid you not. They taste like Cocoa Puffs but make you feel less guilty with the Cheerios name on the box. Run out and get some NOW or you'll regret it in the morning.

Remember how my husband kidnapped me last week? Well, he did it again:

lunch date w/fgtdman

I suppose it wasn't so much a kidnapping as it was simply an excuse to burn another vacation day. It was also the day he spent hours (like six of them) cleaning and sorting through his stack of bins in the basement. The results? You decide:


Personally, I don't think the broken Rock Band drums count because that's family garbage. Perhaps I'm being a bit harsh... after all, he did end up with a second bag when all was said and done ;)

I'm working to meet my MN sales tax deadline this week. Once that's out of the way I'll be freeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Can't wait.

my life this week

Maybe then I'll go back to taking pictures with my camera instead of the iPhone.

warm, fresh from the oven, Stacey cookie


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Mellissa said...

Hoping you are FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE soon! Hoping your eye heals completely soon, (actually more praying than hoping on that one). Thinking now that I need a box of chocolate Cheerios at home and at work! Thanks!

Ginger said...

Chocolate cheerios are definitely calling my name.
Hope you are feeling better soon!