Monday, December 28, 2009

when old is new again

my new toy

In addition to his beef jerky and a new bunch of rules, my dad added something else to Christmas Eve BINGO this year.

LP collection

His LP collection. Inside of a box he'd made as a boy...

dad's case house his roller skates.

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Colleen W said...

That is so cool!! I need to encourage my mom and dad to haul out their "hi-fi" and their albums - I remember loving to listen to the 50's and 60's music they had from when they were in highschool.

Tina Vega said...

What's even more cool is that his collection is now mine because I won it in BINGO!

Jan said...

Now you are going to have to get one of those new techy toys that will copy your old LP's onto a USB so you can add them to your Ipod or computer. Sounds like a good job for your musical husband!

Tina Vega said...

I'm listening to The Suburbs right now!!! I'm actually having fun using the record player. (I used my Christmas money to purchase one at Target.) Reminds me of the olden days...