Thursday, June 18, 2009

summer is here :-)

I purchased the boys some rainy day reading materials and being that it has rained almost every day of summer vacation up to this point, they've been put to good use. The first is The Great Art Scandal: Solve the Crime, Save the Show! which is much like an elaborate math problem. (You work through the story to solve a mystery.) There are also two other books by the same author, Art Fraud Detective and Art Auction Mystery. Ren is a huge fan.

Meeley on the other hand, prefers to get into a series of books. I purchased a box set of Left Behind: The Kids and he finished the first book in one day (thank goodness there are five more).

We haven't had much for pool time yet and our Slip 'n Slide has yet to meet the grass. With Ren's Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy taking place next week, I sure hope we have at least a few days of sunshine ahead. (Gotta make the most of this pain-free time.)

So I have a new thing. If you haven't yet tried them, you must:

This reminds me of a recent BooMama entry where she shared her name-brand loves. You know, the products you can't live without... the generic-will-not-do items on your grocery list. How about your top ten? Here are mine:

1. Pacific Chai
2. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese
3. Cameron's Whole Bean Coffee
4. Viva Big Roll Choose-A-Size
5. Heinz Ketchup
6. V-Fusion Light (recently introduced to us by my friend Jan - love it!)
7. Planters Harvest Jumbo Cashews
8. Garden of Eatin Red Hot Blues (now a huge weakness of mine, thanks to Heather and our last scrapbooking retreat)

9. Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing
10. Yoplait Yogurt (the kids will not eat any other kind)

Any takers?

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Jan said...

Landen has read up to book 28 of the Left Behind Kids series, so don't buy any more...we will get them to you!

Tina Vega said...
