I never had a chance to blog about our evening at the hubby's college campus. Nor was I able to share details from the DI tournament on Saturday (or the scrumptious chocolate malts from Little Oscar's that evening). This post will have to suffice.
As for a story from the hubby's college days... he showed the boys his dorm and the very spot where he and some friends had glued coins onto the sidewalk. Everyone had gathered in the common area above, pulling chairs close to the window to observe. The entertainment? Watching many unsuccessful attempts by passerbys to remove the coins. For real.
We were out the door by 6:30 am the next day for the DI tournament in Glencoe. Quite the hike. The kids had a blast and I even had a chance to visit with Sunny. She was managing a team from her son's school - a world away, mind you. Bumping into Sunny at a school function is a very rare thing.
The rest of the weekend was spent simply hanging out. There were burgers and malts at Little Oscar's, an introduction to Wii dancing, playing outside, a new book, and this nagging little nasal headache that won't seem to quit.
That pretty much sums it up. Despite the full nature, I still managed to find time for rest. And play. God has been working on me... pointing things out. I am making adjustments. A little less time on the computer, a little more time interacting with the family. All good.
Week 3 of the Backseat Jesus sermon series is up and running, just click HERE for the audio. (It's another good one.) Too, I also wanted to share a couple of talented photographers (and their inspirational blogs) - Dawn Nahorniak and Cameron Ingalls. Enjoy!

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