Saturday, December 20, 2008

a peek at the boy

He's still sick. I kept asking how he felt and he'd repeat "fine" - it wasn't until seeing his bright red face and ears that I realized he wasn't so fine. He has a mild sore throat that he notices when swallowing - it doesn't look like anything significant so we're just waiting and watching. I'm debating on the MinuteClinic because the last time we were there, they'd said it was nothing - "nothing" persisted and we ended up at our regular clinic. The doctor took one look and said, "Oh, that's bad - we don't even need to bother with a culture."

We had a crayon-peeling party tonight and I'm wishing I would have taken some pictures. We're going to try making a candle tomorrow. It will be something along the lines of THIS; if it works, I'll be sure to post some pictures and the recipe. Have a great night!

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Striving Green said...

Poor little one. I hope it's resolved quickly & he makes a speedy recovery.

Tina Vega said...

He's on the mend... turns out it was strep.