Monday, December 8, 2008

i couldn't think of a better way to sum up the weekend

Crystal gave me the most BRILLIANT idea at the start of our retreat and that was to document quotes throughout the weekend. It seemed like a wonderful way to capture our time together. So, here goes:

"My naturally curly hair in the morning frightens animals and small children."

"You DO NOT look seven months pregnant, you look like you just enjoyed a good Thanksgiving dinner."

"Do you know how much you'd save on adhesive alone?"

"Today I have my 'give up on life' pants on."

"I spilled coffee on my cat."

"I get my fill of Christmas music here for the year." (Which had us wondering if she usually listens to Christmas music year round.)

"We'll all have stinky pee."

"This is so like smokin' dope. Not that I've ever done that."

"Let me get the mouse."

"Wasn't there glass here before?"

"You know what, who are you to judge?"

"Shut up, I'm having a hard tome with it. Okay?"

"Her getting picked on? PUHLEEEZ."

"The girls are growing... again."

"I feel like [George] Costanza. And I'm not leaving this house."

"You are so OCD!!!"

"She's throwing her tool around... assault with a deadly paper cutter."

"Has anyone else started to analyze the Christmas songs?"

"Quit snorting your spray."

"I was just thinking... you're to blame for all of my bad habits."

"I think it's a broken vibrator." (Innocently spoken in reference to a cell phone that sounded like a mouse.)

Fun times. Can't wait until the next one.

Too, I have another scrapbooking resource to share. Though I'd mentioned the book in a previous post, it turns out there's a website with free "page map" layouts! Click HERE for great scrapbooking ideas.

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Crystal said...

Ahh...good times. Thanks for a wonderful weekend!

PS. I still have Christmas songs in my head and have caught myself humming them multiple times...

Mellissa said...

Oh Tina, I am sitting here laughing out loud reading all of those. Did we *really* say all of that stuff!??!! How funny! It was a spectacular weekend! Thank you!