Tuesday, October 7, 2008

today it rained

I love the turning leaves but haven't had a chance yet to photograph them. Despite the rain, I couldn't resist a few shots of our teeny tiny tree. Looking at things like that makes me want things like this:

It's a kit of digital papers and expressions, all for the teeny tiny price of $7.95. (See why I can't resist the digital?) I'm still new to the whole digital cropping thing and am wondering how people keep track of all of their papers and such. Should I be backing them all up on disc? Should I keep them on my external hard drive? How do I keep things straight? This whole issue reminds me of my paper vs. electronic calendar woes.

My friend Cindy keeps a 3-ring binder with sample shots (like the above) of all of her kits, fonts, papers, and embellishments. (Next time I see her, I'll take notes.) I remember being almost as impressed with her system as I was The White Book.

Good times.

Another reason for delving into digital are overlays, which work like transparencies on top of your photos and/or paper. Ali Edwards uses her own overlay creations in her Week in the Life album (click HERE for details) and Creative Memories just came out with these new winter overlays:

Both have grabbed my attention this week. Perhaps when I get back into the scrapbooking groove, I'll have a better feel for how to best incorporate digital goodies. And as I get a better feel for things, you can be sure I'll pass along helpful tips and ideas.

Speaking of digital creations, check out the thank you cards I made for my son:

I hope to have a deeper post for you later this week. I've had big things on the brain. God stuff, life stuff, and how it all fits together.

Like I said, big things.

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