Sunday, September 21, 2008

trusting God with His plan

It's been a rocky football season for the navy team. They've struggled defensively, with good reason - they are some of the smallest boys in the league! Before the game on Saturday, Ren and I prayed with Meeley. We asked God for a win but told Him that we would praise Him either way. (Thank you, Facing the Giants!) After we prayed, I asked the boys this question, "What if there is a family on the opposing team praying for the very same thing, what do you think God would do?"

Meeley answered, "Well, perhaps He'd make it a tie. Or at the very least, a killer game where one team wins only by a point."

I used the moment to talk about God and prayer, reminding them that He hears all prayers but only God knows the entire picture. He sees what's best in the big scheme of things and we have to trust Him even when things don't go our way. (For those unfamiliar with the term, those are called "teachable moments" - you'll find a great book on the topic HERE.)

While the game was in play, I recognized a boy from the opposing team. His mom is a faithbooking friend and their family is definitely one of prayer. (They are also connected to one of my most meaningful God Moments.) Smiling inside, I couldn't wait to see what would happen.

We were on the edge of our seats the entire time, the play was so tight it was impossible to predict a winner - A KILLER GAME! We won by one point.

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

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