a) many of you have likely had a similar experience and could offer insight and feedback from the trenches; orb) you might face a similar situation in the future and could benefit from insight and feedback offered from the trenches; orc) you might know someone who could benefit from insight and feedback offered from the trenches.
I'm going to be writing about the win-at-all-costs sports mentality that has invaded our local youth athletic program. I'd heard about it and thought, "Wow, I'm so glad we've never had to deal with Psycho Sports Parents."
Yeah, that was so last year.
Oh, where do I begin? Perhaps with tonight's game, when our coach lost control and screamed, "What the h_ ll is wrong with you? I told you to GRAB LOW!" Or perhaps, when he asked them, "Are you p_ ssed off yet? I hope so!"
And sadly my bloggy friends, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
And sadly my bloggy friends, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Have I mentioned my son is in elementary school? It's been like this all season, one *thing* after another. Over-the-top scheduling issues (like 4-days isn't enough), withholding two days of practice because Meeley had to miss a game (the hubby and I were in a wedding), and bullying behavior are just to name a few.
So when is enough, enough?
I found a great article online addressing this very same issue. (Click HERE to read it.) What has frustrated me to no end, has been the fact that much of what goes on is actually tolerated by both the parents AND youth athletic association!
It certainly has the hubby and I thinking and talking about where to draw the line. What are we modeling to our children by tolerating this type of behavior on one hand, while telling them on the other, that it is wrong? What are we teaching our children by allowing them to be treated with such disrespect? It's a tough pill to swallow.
The world is full of difficult situations and people, running away isn't always the solution. Being blacklisted from the local athletic association might not be helpful either! Needless to say, I've been leaning on God's Word for guidance and direction, simply taking things one day at a time.
Ick, ick ick! Kyle and I have had lots of conversations about athletic assoc. stuff and kids sports. It's just so completely out of control. We have no answers other than to push our kid in rock climbing; it has a strong ethical connection to outdoor preservation and conservation, it's quiet, it does have team work dependency but it's all about safety and communication. We are scared to death of the kind of things you are in. I will keep you all in my prayers. No one should be treated like that, especially a kiddo.
Wow, just wow. I am so sorry you are dealing with that and in such a hard position. I agree, that its sometimes a growing experience to deal with difficult people and situations, but sometimes separarting yourself from them is the best thing for all involved. There are so many other options out there, how is the soccer league? :) I am one who would feel if I tried to change anything amongst that kind of mentality, I'd be beating my head on brick wall, so the healthiest thing for me might be to focus my efforts on something else. I realize that it is kind of a negative view, and that nothing will change if someone doesn't do something, but a group of parents would likely have more influence than one. I wish I had some advice, but all I can do is imagine myself in your position, and agree with you that it is not ok. I will pray that you do not feel alone in this circumstance, and for courage to do what God leads you to do. And that Meeley and the other players are protected from any harm that could come from hurtful words and actions.
Just wanted to let you all know that things have taken a very good turn!! We received a new schedule at the last practice (reducing the number of practices) and my hubby said the demeanor of our coaches was dramatically different. Thank you all for your prayers!
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