Monday, September 15, 2008

i'd forgotten how much i love this movie

The boys wanted to watch Facing the Giants last night. It wasn't until watching it again, that I realized how much I'd forgotten! It is so much more than a football movie. (The clip above is just a peek.) You can find it HERE for a steal.

Edited to add: The song featured in the above video is Completely by Ana Laura.

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Deanna said...

I absolutely LOVE that movie!! Especially the part about preparing for rain - that is echoing in my mind these days!!

Did you know those same guys have a new movie coming out - fire proof - and they are still using the same folks from their church in the production and acting but this time they also got Kirk Cameron. I think I read somewhere that he contacted them wanting to be part of their next movie - how cool is that? If you can find the trailer on line it's very powerful..sorry i'm supposed to be already out of the house and a couple of miles down the road (!!!!!!!!!) or I'd look it up - also lists where the movie will be showing
have a great day!

Tina Vega said...

I've posted the trailer for Fireproof under another entry (for those of you interested in checking it out, you can actually run a blog search by using the button on the upper left side of the main page). Nice to hear from you, Deanna!