Sunday, July 6, 2008

there IS more to life than bloggy prize drawings

I tell you, life is much different with kids around everyday... all day. It's a little like perma-weekend - no structure, all play. Unfortunately, my personality cries for structure (as does my business). I work hard trying to maintain the proper balance. You might remember my electronic vs. paper calendar woes in May. Well, forget everything I said because here is the monthly planner to beat all monthly planners - I purchased it at Staples over the weekend (unfortunately, they don't sell it online). Even better, are the pens. Meeley brought one home at the end of the school year and I was immediately hooked. Believe it or not, I have found a way to incorporate EVERY SINGLE COLOR into my planner.

Welcome to my tightly-wound world.

Anyway, I'm on the verge of a very colorful week so my mom graciously offered to take the boys overnight... so I could shop, write, and otherwise prepare for our crop - unhindered. (There's also the looming baby shower and some other stuff that I'll share with you another time.) Five hours later and I have yet to cross a single item off the to-do list.

The hubby and I first went out to dinner. (We needed to eat.) I am a huge fan of D. Fong's but the restaurant isn't open on Sundays. Mom reminded us of Fong's (a close relative... literally); we decided to chance it and made our way to Prior Lake. Boy, am I glad we did! The food was EXCELLENT, as was the service. They even have a kids menu so now the hubby and I can have our fix anytime.

Next, we went shopping. (It was on the way home.) I purchased a steal of a dress for only $13.98. Then we moseyed on home and had a short visit with the neighbors. (They were outside and we just couldn't be rude and ignore them.) Now, it's time for bed. (I need my rest to get a jump on the task list ahead of me.)

Have a great evening!

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