Thursday, April 10, 2008

the vermin are taking over

We have voles. Just to give you an idea of their destructiveness, here's a snapshot of our yard:

Meeley had a little extra time this morning and decided to shoot a few hoops before heading off to the bus. He noticed one of our gutter downspouts coming loose and went to reattach it. The second he moved the gutter "a chubby critter" came running out.


I ran outside in boots (armed with a poke stick) to properly assess the situation. There was apparently a nest in the downspout.


It's bad enough they've thoroughly infiltrated the neighborhood, destroying small trees and lawns, but they've gone too far by nesting so close to MY NEST (a.k.a. our home). It's time to take action, time to take back control...

It's time for a neighborhood poison party. BYOP.

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1 comment:

Amy said...

Icky! I shuddered when I read that the crittercame scurrying out of the downspout-ish ish ISH!

Hubby used smoke bomb poison in some holes in our yard a few years ago that did the trick.