Sunday, March 16, 2008

a tangible remembrance

Jean painted this for the hubby and I as a wedding gift 13 years ago. The story behind it makes me smile - you see, my hubby had "a thing" for black and white. He was nervous about my decorating style so I bartered with the living room... he could choose the style and colors for that room as long as the rest of the house was mine. He reluctantly agreed and I relunctantly complied by creating a black and white living room (whiter than white walls, black painted entertainment center, black/white vinyl flooring in the entry way). Jean was aware of the changes taking place in our home and created the first piece of art for our bare walls. It hung there until we outgrew that very small house, finding its new home on Meeley's bright yellow bedroom wall. We eventually outgrew that home as well... which brings us here; the piece now rests in the hallway of our current home.

Jean's signature is proudly displayed on the lower right corner of her work. It has caught my eye so many times in the last several months - prompting me to pray. Now that she is gone, it pulls at me in a different way - as something to hold on to. A tangible remembrance.

post signature

1 comment:

Amy said...

I was just thinking the same thing-for our wedding, Jean made us a beautiful collage that she made especially to match our new bedding which I loved so! Its beautifully framed, and has colors I love, and interesting textures. Although the bedding wore out a couple years ago, her masterpiece still hangs above our bed. A lasting memory of her creativity and thoughtfulness...Do you think her family would be at all interested in displaying our pieces at the service? I bet they have many already, but just wondering...