Sunday, March 9, 2008

like chasing rabbits...

My nephew just turned five and we celebrated with a big party on his behalf. After a full day of cropping and then chasing after Little Darth for the perfect shot, I'd worked up quite an appetite. Thankfully, my sister-in-law Amy had pulled together a veritable feast! There were tasty morsels from Holy Land Deli, Stacey's cashew chicken salad, Sloppy Joes, Mexican wontons, fruit/veggies, chips and more. And, to top it all off there was cake.

While the birthday boy opened gifts, my darling niece took orders for handmade treasures (potholders and scarves). Then there was a piƱata for the kids and an awesomely fun video game for the grown-ups (Rockband). The kids quickly caught wind of what we were doing and wanted in on the band.

Good food, great conversation, and lots of fun. What more could one ask for?

Nothing, except for perhaps... a batch of Stacey's cookies.

My brother and his wife (Amy) at the kiddie table.

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Anonymous said...

Stacey does make the BEST cookies....

Tina Vega said...

She does, doesn't she? We had a lighthearted cookie battle at the party... she had a batch for my brother & his wife as well as for my parents. It was their turn for cookies so we didn't get them this time. The hubby & I worked hard to lay on thick thinking perhaps it would earn us a pity cookie.

No such luck.

Amy said...

MMMMMM-and they're some goooooooood cookies, too! :) Hee hee!