Friday, December 23, 2011

december 2011

December 2011

I've fallen a couple of months behind on my monthly family photo challenge. Oops. I'm sure our home is much like yours this time of year... FULL! I've been reviewing the year and looking ahead to 2012 (journaling about goals and such) and realize my blog has taken somewhat of a backseat to Facebook and other forms of social media. I plan to change that. Because I miss the way it used to be. Because blogging is where my heart is. Because I want to be more intentional about how I spend my time.

In case you missed the Tweet, my Grandma Deutsch now has a Caringbridge site. While I never thought in a million years she'd go for it, a friend shared with her the many benefits of having such a site. (The friend apparently tried to set things up on Grandma's behalf but felt she was in over her head.) And because "sharing sites" are my thing, I volunteered to help :) Just click HERE to access the site.

Merry Christmas Eve eve!

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