Monday, November 14, 2011

Dr. Phil's Five Factors for a Phenomenal Family


I was working on a little "research" for my next faithbooking lesson when I happened upon some wisdom from Dr. Phil I thought worth sharing. Here's a summary of his Five Factors for a Phenomenal Family:

1. Create a Nurturing and Accepting Family System. This entails making a conscious decision to actively and purposely work on improving your family situation every day, bringing out the authenticity of every family member, and creating a sense of security and peace in your home.

2. Promote Rhythm in your Family Life. Create a predictable pace for your family and be accountable for choices.

3. Establish Meaningful Rituals and Traditions. Do this by means of purposefully planned celebrations, telling family stories, holding naming rituals, and worshipping together.

4. Be Active in Your Communication. Discuss sensitive topics such as politics or religion to help teach your children how to express their opinions and learn how to communicate. Engage in family activities such as tending a garden, painting a room, or washing the car - a "group project" of sorts.

5. Learn How to Manage a Crisis. Be prepared for a crisis before it hits, aim your energy at the PROBLEM - not the person, resolve not to turn on one another, and find meaning in your suffering.

dr phil

You'll find the original article HERE and Dr. Phil's related book (Family First) by clicking HERE.

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