Tuesday, July 14, 2009

'nother one...

I keep meaning to get back to some regular posting (the non-prize drawing kind) but time just keeps slipping away. Meely had some buddies over today and I captured some great action images (our photo challenge theme this week). I'll post 'em as soon as I have the chance! I spent a good portion of my day working through 4th of July pics and trying to fix a major goof-up with my photo-editing software. Talk about time-consuming.

I do have a great new book to share... found it in the kids' section at Barnes & Noble last week. It's called My Listography: My Amazing Life in Lists and full of all sorts of journaling prompts for kids. (Just click on the orange link to peek inside the book.) I plan to use the prompts as page ideas, pairing up the child's list with large photograph of them on the same page. Here's a sampling of the prompts:
  • List the times you got in the most trouble.
  • List what you would do if kids were in charge.
  • List scary things.
  • List nice things you've done for other people.
Excited about the new find, I called up Tilly to inspire her for a change (she's the one always coming up with cool new websites, idea books, etc.) - of course, she already knew about the book!

For those of you who might be wondering, Ren is doing amazingly well. He's a little more than two weeks out for his recovery and says he feels as good as new. His breathing at night has significantly improved; what an amazing difference... totally worth it (his opinion and mine). I've been dealing with a handful of irritations myself - a toothache, the return of carpal tunnel symptoms I haven't experienced since my pregnancy with Ren, and a couple of other things. It's funny how easily small things can turn into BIG THINGS by focusing too intently on them. The good news is, my tooth is feeling much better!

I also received a beautiful email this week, from a photographer I admire. It was a total God Moment and lovely reminder that He notices every detail. God is so good.

Well, it's late (the story of my life this summer). Time to call it a night.

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Pine and Willow said...

*Love* the shot from up above! Gorgeous :-) Just perfect in black and white.

I agree - God was using each of us for one another last week. What a great God we have.

Anonymous said...

For the carpel tunnel, do you have a wrist splint for it yet? If you are just going to ride it out and not go to the Dr for it, I recommend getting one of those over-the-counter wrist splints at Target, Walgreens, etc. Especially if you're on the computer a lot. It will keep your wrist in a neutral position and give a chance for any swelling in there to decrease. Make sure you are doing some stretches (about 5 minutes) at least every hour of your elbows, wrists and fingers.


mom said...

I found your wrist splint!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have carpel tunnel wrist splints....