Tuesday, June 9, 2009

if this doesn't stir you, i don't know what will

This Dateline Special Report first aired a couple of years ago but I hadn't seen it until last weekend. The program was entitled, "Children for Sale" and exposed the harsh reality of human trafficking and victimization of children in Cambodia.

I could barely make it through the program but am so glad I did. We live in a hurting world full of unspeakable things - pretty easy to forget as I sit safe in a home with clean, running water at my fingertips and my biggest pain being a strained relationship with a sibling. Unfortunately, it's not enough to simply be moved to tears watching a program like this... we need to be moved to action.

And that's exactly what happened after the program first aired five years ago. The Pond family made a bold move, selling their home and all that they owned to move to Cambodia with the sole intent of helping these children. (Click HERE for details.) James Pond and his wife Athena co-founded Transitions Cambodia to help the girls. Though the next video follows the footage above, I was unable to find the clip that featured recent interviews with the girls who were rescued and that shows the transformation that has taken place in both the girls and Cambodia these last five years.

The before and after is amazing and only goes to show the huge impact that can be made if we simply MOVE. You might wonder what you can do so far away. Supporting an organization such as Transitions Global or Hagar International would be a great place to start. Or you might want to check out The A21 Campaign or consider making a purchase through Nightlight.

Nightlight is a ministry in urban Bangkok that reaches out to women and children working in the bar areas of Nana and Sukhumvit. (The lanyard holder above is one of the many beautiful pieces available.) Just click on any of the orange links above for more information.

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1 comment:

theheartofachild said...

So hard to see, but so good for us to know about these horrific things going on in our world. Thanks for making us aware!