That is, until God got ahold of me.
Though I yearned to be free, I stubbornly refused to give up control. (Why couldn't God just help me with MY plan?) It wasn't until I willingly surrendered my plan to Him that things began to change. I didn't know His voice because I'd spent an entire life listening only to my own.

So, how do you know when you are hearing from God? I love the following quote from Jim Cymbala:
Two important prerequisites to hearing from God clearly are to have an open vertical relationship with the Lord and to be submitted to His plan for our lives. If there is unconfessed sin or continued disobedience in our lives, there will be a "closed heaven" above us and a disruption in hearing from the Lord. God cannot draw near to us while we are walking away from Him through disobedience at the same time.
We get to know God through His written word to us. His will never contradicts His Word. His way takes others into account. His direction is straightforward. (Sound familiar? Probably because of THIS POST.)
Think of a situation you're currently facing. Do you really want to know God's will regarding that situation? Do you really believe God already has a plan for you in that situation? Are you willing to submit your agenda to His? God wants to reveal Himself and His plans to you. Look around. Ask Him to open your eyes so you can see what He is already up to and then quickly join Him.
If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. John 12:16
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