Friday, May 1, 2009

Elementary School Musical

Being that I am a mother of two boys, I rarely have the chance to partake in such musical delights. My second grader had been pretty tight-lipped about the program (unlike my friend's daughter, who was even practicing outside of school). Ren did bring a CD of songs home but used it only to blast one song, over and over again. When I asked if it was because the song was a favorite, he told me no... he was only trying to drive his big brother nuts.

Despite the fact he didn't practice at home and never even mentioned the musical, I do think he was excited about his role. You see, the boy was a weed. (Yes, a weed.) Not just any old weed, mind you, but a RAPPING weed:

That's my weed boy, second from the left. Had I known he would be wearing a decorative hair ornament, I would have camped out for front-row seating.

Good times.

If you've been following my Twitter stream, you might have noticed that Tilly and I attended the Tots 2 Teens Seminar on Wednesday. Sandy Puc', co-founder of Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, shared all sorts of business and photography tips. Two days later and I am still working to process everything! She was such an inspiration. Sandy has an incredible story (of which I had no clue) and God has used her gift of photography in some pretty amazing ways. I can't wait to incorporate many of her ideas and tips into my own photography business.

I have an engagement session this weekend (thank goodness for SUNSHINE... finally) and will hopefully have an image or two to share with you tomorrow. Enjoy the beautiful day!

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