Tuesday, February 10, 2009

some of my favorite people, all under one roof

Beth Moore, Jeremy Camp, Dr. Gary Smalley, Gary Thomas, Dr. Del Tackett, and Dr. John Trent - granted the likelihood of seeing them in the flesh is slim, but they will be broadcast live via simulcast. (I've seen Beth Moore this way before and it's almost as good as the real deal. Almost.)

Here's a description of the February 28th event:
When you learn to see your marriage through the eyes of God, you'll begin to understand the divine motivation and purpose for why He brought you together. The results? Deepened feelings, improved communication and a dynamic change in day-to-day interactions. God-centered marriages also mean healthier families, more effective churches and stronger communities.
Click HERE for details.

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1 comment:

Mellissa said...

Sounds like a fun day...I just don't know if the little G-Man is ready for an all day event like that yet..maybe...And I love the pic!