Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rock Band led to a rock band reunion

We had some friends over on Saturday after the crop. Though the ladies were skeptical at first, we decided to give them a little taste of Rock Band.

They loved it!

The men were in a band together in their early twenties (has it really been that long?) and hadn't played together in years. Before we knew it, they were downstairs performing with "real" instruments:

I say that loosely because Rob was stuck with a pint-sized drum kit. Here's a video sample of the Time Again reunion:

Rock on.

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Anonymous said...

The little drum set is cracking me up. Almost as much as this "reunion tour!"

Can't figure out how bassists hold their axes so high. I just can't play like that.

Tell the guys to keep on rockin'!

Tina Vega said...

The bass is actually my 11-year-old son's bass that Craig didn't have time to adjust... thus the armpit grip.

Anonymous said...


I remember
