Monday, May 19, 2008

the kid is MOSTLY okay

Instead of our usual Sunday venue, the boys and I decided to check out a church much closer to home. Just as the sermon was about to begin, Ren leaned over to tell me he wasn't feeling well.

It figures. He'd just had his first dose of amoxicillin only two hours before.

The poor little guy was blindsided by vomiting and diarrhea. His symptoms were so sudden and severe we ended up in Urgent Care. Needless to say, that will be our last experience with amoxicillin.

I'm on my way out the door but hope to have more than a second or two for tomorrow's posting - so much to share, so little time! Have a great evening...

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Mellissa said...

Poor Punkin! That is so icky! BTW- I love the lighting in this photo, natural from a side window??

Tina Vega said...

Yep (good eye!) - it's my favorite wall in the house, in the dining room by the BIG window. I have to catch the light at just the right time, otherwise it's either too much or not enough.