Thursday, January 10, 2008

the spill over, part 1

My last Bible study lesson was so incredible, it was bound to spill over here! We're nearing the end of "A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place" and it has been a wild ride. A couple of things stood out yesterday.

Beth asked, "What do you really want the statement of your life to be?"

Oh, that's huge. As a faithbooking lady, my intention is to make a statement with my life. What she said next was even more profound. "It's God's intention that I serve His purpose in my generation."


Sometimes I focus so much on the message I'm leaving for future generations that I forget that He created me purposefully and specifically for this generation. He chose the exact time and place for my birth. He created me to have an impact on lives here and now. Like I said, it was a huge message.

Which brings me back to our purpose. He's created each one of us with a specific purpose in mind. Make no bones about it, the plan is very detailed. And, it is very good (Jeremiah 29:11). This lead to a huge revelation that I will wait to get into because the kids have just woken up.

How's that for a cliff hanger?


Shelly said...

Hi Tina,

This is Shelly Larson, one of the new Beth Moore Bible Study leaders this year. I can't remember how I've run into your blog, perhaps through Beth Moore's blog???? Anyway, I've glanced over it the past couple of days and I love your thoughts. I too, was blown away and again convicted by the video yesterday... there is nothing I desire more than to have my life count for God completely and without reservation... yet it seems I can get so off track in the dailyness of life!

Yesterday I watched the video of Lysa on the Oprah Show with all the adoptions. Amazing story! I love how God speaks to our spirits through his still, small voice... I am working on slowing down to hear Him more frequently.

I love your photos...your boys remind me of mine a few years back and I enjoy the simple life occurances you share along with the pics. I was an avid scrapbooker for 10 years but the last couple I have transitioned over to digital books; I was getting overwhelmed with the number of pictures I was taking and couldn't keep up with getting them into albums "by hand". So I sacrificed some of the creativity in an exchange for my sanity :-)

Anyway, it was fun to run into you this way... maybe I'll see you at Hosanna this weekend, otherwise at study next week!

Have a great one!

Tina Vega said...

Hi Shelly!! So I've already zipped over to your blog to say hi. It's so fun to see a post from a fellow BMBS friend.

So many ladies are moving to digital; it is an equally powerful tool for sharing your stories! Take the blogs for example - photos and words, that's really all you need...

Thank you so much for stopping by (and especially for sharing your thoughts). See you soon!