Monday, January 21, 2008

i REALLY want to see this.

I believe it is important to ask questions and dig deeply into things. Why not investigate both sides of a controversial subject? Why simply take someone else at their word? Look. Ask. Question. Explore.

You'll understand why then, after viewing the trailer to this movie, I was hooked.

I would encourage you to examine motives and preconceptions, including your own. In this information age it couldn't be easier.

Or could it?

The movie is called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" and features Ben Stein.


Anonymous said...

VERY INTERESTING! I am itching to see it now too, and shared it with some friends.


Janeen Jordan said...

Wow, now my curiosity is really peeked - I've not heard a thing about this movie! Thanks for posting that. I've passed it along as well.

Tina Vega said...

I've been doing a little more "digging" and have found all sorts of interesting information related to this flick. I'll be sure to share more in a future post...

Anonymous said...

Wow, I will have to see that. Thanks for posting this. I was not even aware of it before watching it.