Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I came across the following excerpt in my Life Application Study Bible:

How strong is God? It is easy to trust God when we see His mighty acts (the Israelites saw many), but after a while, in the routine of daily life, His strength may appear to diminish. God doesn't change, but our view of Him often does. The monotony of day-by-day living lulls us into forgetting how powerful God can be. As Moses learned, God's strength is always available.

This speaks directly to my faithbooking heart. Most of us have a difficult time just noticing God's hand in our daily lives. Unfortunately, even when He moves powerfully, the memory fades. We forget how thoroughly the Lord provided for us and instead of trusting Him at the next hint of trouble, we moan and complain.

This is what God calls us to do:
  • Do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you life. Deuteronomy 4:9
  • Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children and their children to the next generation. Joel 1:3
  • I will praise you O Lord with my whole heart; I will recount and tell aloud your marvelous works and wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1
  • Earnestly remember the marvelous deeds that He has done, His miracles and wonders... Psalm 105:5
  • Let this be recorded for the next generation and the generations to come so they will praise God. Psalm 102:18
Several years ago, I experienced a season of loss that dramatically changed my life. Looking back, I can now see how God gently prepared me for what was to come. Here's my story:

I wasn't really sure of where I was with my faith but wanted to try my hand at faithbooking. There was a buzz about it amongst my consultant friends and I wanted in. I began with a "prayer album," writing down my prayers and leaving the opposite page blank. The intention was to complete it once the prayer had been answered.

Over time the pages began to fill and my faith began to rise. The prayers became detailed requests that were answered time and time again. It was then that I experienced the first of three devastating losses. It seemed natural for me to pour my grief out into an album. I filled it with verses that spoke to my heart and used it to record my God Moments - purposeful connections, acts of love and kindness, extraordinary coincidences. God used that tender time to open my eyes and heart to His Son. I wrote it all down.

In the difficult months that followed, I turned to those words. They were written in great detail so I was able to recall and remember all that He'd done for me the first time. It gave me strength and encouragement when I needed it most. He became bigger than my circumstances.

God means to be noticed and wants to be remembered.

"When you have nothing left but God, then for the first time you become aware that God is enough." ~Maude Royden

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