Monday, October 8, 2007

can't help myself...

Here's one more! Leo is such a fun cat - he reminds me so much of Roxy. When I was a little girl, I really wanted a cat. I remember once even taking a wild kitten from the woods near our home and begging my parents to let me keep it (all while it hissed and scratched from the box). I was desperate for a fuzzy companion.

My dream came true after moving out on my own. A friend gave me a gorgeous black and white longhair for Christmas; I named her Roxanne. Roxy for short. We had many years together before she died at the ripe age of fifteen.

My sister loved Roxy but was hesitant to become a cat owner herself. She wanted one with Roxy's striking personality and was afraid of being disappointed. Who would have guessed the two would be so similar?! Leo likes to play hide-and-seek and has a thing for toys (both strong Roxy characteristics). He's also very vocal and takes kindly to being spoken to in baby talk.

It's nice to be reminded of my dear companion.

Journaling Ideas: Take some time to think about a favorite animal in your life. What kind of relationship did (or do) you have? What have you learned from the experience of owning a pet? Have you ever suffered the loss of a family pet? If so, what was the impact on you and your family? Do you have any goofy pet stories? Did (or does) your pet ever cause mischief?


Amy said...

Leo is really such a beautiful cat!
He looks soooo soft in these photos!

Anonymous said...

Isn't he the cutest cat you've ever seen??????