Tuesday, August 16, 2011

SMASHbook = smashing success

I knew heading into this summer, I'd need something SIMPLE to document our days. Some huge changes had taken place with my niece and nephew early this summer - I've been dealing with concerns I have for their welfare and missing their sweet presence in everyday life. With legal proceedings ahead, sharing my feelings publicly was not an option.


I needed a place to journal... wanted a place to place these "moments" without fretting about superficial things such as coordinating papers and perfect layouts.


In addition to the munchkin stuff, we are still working through the loss of Tony's dad and buried him this summer as well. Big life stuff.


And in between all of the big stuff, we've been hanging out with friends and family. Trying to savor those moments, despite the heavy stuff on the sidelines. The SMASHbook has been perfect.


Most of my personal images were captured by phone and printed through ScrapbookPictures.com (I uploaded to the site regularly and placed several smaller orders this summer instead of trying to do it all as one HUGE order). It is NOT in chronological order, which was freeing in and of itself, and the entire project was maybe a 3-hour time investment.


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  1. Love the SMASHbook! I think I am going to have to make one.

  2. It would be perfect for this new-momma time in your life as well :) You can steal snippets of time here & there and don't have to pull out a load of stuff to work on it (my smash stuff sits in a baggie next to my desk).
