Wednesday, August 17, 2011

the most romantic date EVER | Minnesota Lifestyle Photographer

Remember this game?

I was contacted by a husband knee deep in his own Mystery Date plans. He was planning a romantic evening that he was sure his wife would want photographed. His wife (a long time scrapbooking friend) wasn't to know a stitch about it. So I had to keep my mouth (and Tweets) quiet for A WHOLE MONTH!!!

Here's [roughly] how it went down:

1. Prince Charming told his wife to pack an overnight bag for the child who would be heading over to Gramma's house by 3:00 pm.

2. At that point, he gave his wife a second set of instructions telling her they'd be leaving for their date at 5:00 pm. He told her to wear jeans, a nice t-shirt, and shoes she could do a bit of walking in. He told her that one of the places they'd be going to was kind of fancy.

3. Prince Charming drove his wife to the St. Paul Hotel. He walked her to an elevator, handed her a card key, and told her to go to a room. In the room was a beautiful gown with instructions to be dressed and in the lobby by 6:45 pm. (Her BFF was also there to help with the gown.)

This is when I arrived on the scene. I'll let the rest of the story unfold through the following images.

glass slipper collage

mono kiss collage

the proposal


wedding collage

the kiss

waiting carriage


watermark hotel collage



As you can see, an evening she will never forget :)

hold tight

Once in a while, right in the middle of ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale.
- Unknown

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  1. I LOVED my Mystery Date game when I was little!! Very romantic guy!

  2. Total girl thing. They even have a High School Musical Mystery Date game now :)

  3. OMG i have tears in my eyes! what a great story!
