Wednesday, August 31, 2011

the four of us :: august 2011

* one family photo * MY family * each month * for an entire year *

We had fun with it this month, thanks to my husband [again] for the brilliant idea of a floor shot.

make a gif online

I kept screwing up the shot by zooming in too much, then yapping too much, then moving around too much. The kids begged me to keep the "outtakes" they thought them so funny :)

We spent the first part of the month in St. Cloud, attended a special birthday party for my sweet niece, finished up both band lessons and the soccer season, went for a cruise on a Padelford Riverboat with Tony's family, spent some time at Fort Snelling, celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary, the teen had his first-ever ride on the motorcycle, went school shopping with the boys, Tony and I had several fun dates (St. Anthony Main, Minnehaha Falls, and Gold Rush Days), and New Creations was back - this time taking care of our attic (a condensation issue) and soggy yard (in preparation for a deck next year).

It was a super summer that went waaaaay tooooo fast.

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  1. Holy cow, we did all that this month? Glad one of us is keeping track!


  2. Love your family photos, Tina! You have such a fun group there, and very photogenic.
