Thursday, January 5, 2012

spring retreat & nogsicles

I just wanted to remind everyone that the Spring Weekend Scrapbooking Retreat deadline is quickly approaching. You will find all of the fun details HERE in an earlier post. A non-refundable $50 deposit is required to hold your spot with the remaining balance due February 1, 2012. Right around the corner. And while I can't make any promises at this point, I may even have an egg nog chai latte or two to give away that weekend.

Yes, very much OUTSIDE of the egg nog season. How?!! you might ask. Well...

frozen nog

I've been making little nogsicles :)

So while the egg nog chai lattes are usually reserved for the Winter Weekend Scrapbooking Retreat, you may just find a couple of coupons attached to goodie basket prizes...

egg nog chai

Redeemable for egg nog chai lattes that weekend! Because I am capable of exercising self-control.

I think.

If you have any questions about the weekend, let me know!

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