Tuesday, January 3, 2012

family vacation :: grand view lodge resort

In an effort to embrace Minnesota winter, I booked us a vacation up north. A wintercation. My family seemed a little surprised by the idea, voicing concerns about how exactly we'd be spending our time. So I wooed them with talk of renting snowmobiles and snowshoes - not realizing when I'd booked the trip several months earlier, it would end up being the brownest winter ever.


Thankfully, the place was jam-packed with fun things to do. And they even had snow!!!


We rented a 1-bedroom cabin at Grandview Lodge Resort in Nisswa, Minnesota. They'd offered a great holiday package that included an elaborate breakfast buffet each morning AND a host of activities. There was even a spa on-site!

breakfast at GVL

We happened to have THE BEST server our first morning there [Garrett] who whipped up amazing drinks for the boys. The attention he gave our kids reminded me much of the staff on our Disney Cruise last spring.

Our cabin overlooked Gull Lake and included a huge jacuzzi tub, wet bar (microwave oven and mini refrigerator), and a real fireplace.

cabin at GVL

There were horse-drawn wagon rides, nightly s'mores outside of the Main Lodge, their very own pub on-site (the food was excellent), a waterpark, a special New Year's Eve seafood buffet, and laser tag. The resort even provided transportation to nearby Ski Gull [we received a 15% discount for being guests of Grand View Lodge as well].

GVL fun activities

It was a SUPER deal and so much fun that the boys want to do it again next year. I'm hoping we can convince family or friends to join us!

GVL fun

Because we saw LOTS of groups there together and thought it would be a memorable way to celebrate the New Year. (Our first night there, we ran into a gal from my bible study who was vacationing with her extended family!)

Oh snow much fun.

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