Friday, January 13, 2012

5 Fun Things Friday

five fun things

1. I recently stumbled upon another fun photo app. PhotoToaster allows you to make a zillion adjustments [including the fine-tuning of those adjustments] AND has a bunch of texture options, vingetting options, frames, and more! (You can even export into Instagram for even more photo-tweaking goodness.)

Click HERE to learn more.

2. Holy smokes.

You can turn your iPhone into a DSLR with this nifty mount.

3. I have a birthday coming up and would really, really like this lens and adaptor.

It would be SOOOO much fun to play with!

4. Speaking of play, check out the Game of Photo-opoly.

5. Another indulgent want.

Especially when paired with one of these:

Happy Friday!!!

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