Tuesday, December 27, 2011

confessions of a former kitchen failure

e-mealz ROCKS

While I enjoy eating good food, cooking has never been one of my strong suits. In fact if it weren't for Hamburger Helper, frozen pizzas, and the occasional casserole EVERY SINGLE ONE of our family dinners would have been eaten out. That is, until I discovered E-Mealz.

I struggled with meal planning. And grocery shopping. And enough leftovers to feed an army. And serving the same old sides over and over and over again. We were in a rut. A giant one and I had no clue how to get out.

At first I tried cookbooks. And the Internet. And more cookbooks. Truth is, they were really nothing more than a temporary solution to an on-going problem.

Until I discovered E-Mealz.


I pay $5/month for my subscription ($1.25/week) and E-Mealz not only plans my meals, but creates detailed shopping lists as well! And the meals are WONDERFUL. Tailored to a family of four. Our grocery bill for a week of meals ends up being about $80 for the week. Seven glorious meals that are easy to prepare. With delicious sides even.

It's been a total kitchen breakthrough. Even during my crazy busy photography season, I would return from sessions at 5:30 pm and NOT be in a panic about dinner. We typically ate out several nights a month, spending anywhere from $20-$40 for one meal as a family. Crazy, but not anymore.

My E-Mealz subscription is seriously the best purchase made in 2011.

They offer a variety of meal plan options: gluten-free, low carb, low fat, family of 4, family of 2, vegetarian, natural & organic. Something for everyone. You can check out sample menus on their website by clicking HERE.

I am happy to say I no longer dread making dinner (I might even go so far as to say I enjoy it). E-Mealz ROCKS. If you're looking for a way to simplify your life and budget, be sure to check it out!

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  1. Tina~very cool! I was looking at their website earlier contemplating about it. Lo and behold-you posted about it the very same day. Must be a sign. :-)

    What plan do you subscribe to? Have you tried more than one? Do you pick a specific store or do you choose "all other stores". Just curious as I am not quite sure which plan to try...
    Thanks! Heather

  2. We are currently subscribed to the "Walmart Family Plan"; ingredients can be found at any grocery store (I wasn't sure when I first began so I chose Walmart to be safe). I believe you're allowed to switch one time during a 3-month period to another plan.

    I might switch at some point to try another plan but I've enjoyed the one we are on so far. (We've been on this plan since September.)

    If you have any other questions, let me know!

  3. Tina~
    Are you part of the member's only referral program at e-mealz? I am going to sign up soon-not sure if it makes sense to do it this late in the week, but then I'd be ready to roll for next week, right? ;-)

  4. I believe if you sign up by clicking onto their website thru my blog (using the banner on the right side of the page or using the link in this post) I get credit for having referred you. Thanks for asking!

  5. Well, hope I did it right so you got credit! I have enjoyed a few of their meals...the most popular one so far was the Chalupas with beans and rice. I, too, am not a big seafood person nor do I/we enjoy chunks of cooked tomatoes in things. So far we have had 3 meals a week or so from their menu. But it totally helps me menu plan and keeps shopping trips to a minimum which I love! Thanks for the post...it was just what I needed to kick me in gear!!
