Monday, August 8, 2011

the four of us :: july 2011

* one family photo * MY family * each month * for an entire year *

family july shot

While it seemed fitting to take this monthly shot with my iPhone (pretty much EVERY SINGLE PICTURE I've taken this summer has been with it), I didn't have a choice. It was Sunday, July 31 and we were on our way to St. Cloud... without my Canon. July was filled with everything that June lacked - mainly SUNSHINE :) We celebrated several special family birthdays, spent a great deal of time at my folks' pool, enjoyed our second ever STAYCATION, went to Nickelodeon Universe TWICE, had our first official Game Night with Tilly's family in the new basement, took a little trip to St. Cloud, enjoyed lots of time with Tilly at the pool, made all sort of yummy treats, the start of soccer and band lessons, and I enjoyed my first motorcycle ride of the season.

Summer is in full swing and we are enjoying every second of it! [Hope you are, too!]

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