Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Plan B

seflie wtony

Several months ago, Tony and I planned a camping trip for this week with the kids. Several months ago, we reserved a spot at a popular state park.

State park. A Minnesota state park.

Needless to say, there is no camping trip this week :( Tony and I moved to "Plan B" - a staycation of sorts. We've been keeping the boys in the dark about our plans each day (to add an element of surprise to the mix). Some of our activities have been small, for example we left the boys an invitation with instructions to meet us at the end of the driveway late one evening. We took our first ever nighttime walk and had root beer floats afterwards. Small but very special in their eyes. We also planned a secret playdate with friends, a trip to the MOA, and lunch on the patio at Psycho Suzi's (we called it "Hawaii").

I'll be back later this week to share a few more details. (I'm not even supposed to be on the computer right now!) Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather!!

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