Saturday, July 9, 2011

a few things...

kids in the pool

My original plan for today was to attend a funeral (also at Hosanna!) during a lunch break of sorts at the faithbooking crop. That was Plan A. With it being the only 12-hour crop on the calendar and (usually super high attendance because of it), there was really no other way to do it.

Until I realized only two people (a mom & daughter) planned to attend the crop. (Or so I thought.) And the crop was cancelled. I waited until the last-minute (because I usually end up hearing from quite a few ladies at the last-minute) before making the final decision to cancel it Friday morning.

After canceling the crop, I received several emails... phone calls... and word even that a few ladies were turned away at the church today, having attempted (what would usually be totally cool) to drop in and crop. Thankfully, this has been the only real snafu since I began hosting the monthly faithbooking crops in October 2005. To those of you who were inconvenienced by what happened this morning, I am so very sorry.

I will be making some changes to ensure this doesn't happen again. To begin, I just want to make sure everyone knows that this blog is the very best place to receive up-to-the-minute information regarding our monthly crops. It's the easiest way for me to reach all of you in a quick way (with 100+ ladies on the email list, my server thinks I'm sending out spam - leading to problems if I don't adequately space out the emails). I usually pass out business cards (i.e. the miniature photos) at each crop and you'll find both my home phone and cell number on the back - feel free to call or text me anytime if you have any questions. (For those of you who have not yet received those numbers, just shoot me an email at acvega at frontier dot net and I will get them to you ASAP.)

As for the Blogiversary Celebration that's been taking place this week, I still have ONE MORE prize drawing to post so stick around! (Too, the fudge drawing is still open so you might want to get in on that one before it closes later this evening.

In regards to the funeral mentioned above, not only was I was able to attend but had time to connect with some very special ladies. Lois was a gentle, sweet soul - a dear friend to my mom and a woman I admired for many reasons. Her service today was a beautiful tribute to a life well-lived - full of inspiration, tears, and laughter. I hope to share a few more of my thoughts at a later time.

Again, I am so sorry for those of you who were disappointed and/or inconvenienced by today's last-minute change. The August Faithbooking Crop is currently open for registration through my scrapbooking site for those of you who are interested. Just click HERE to access that page. I've never used that website for registrations because I've never wanted anyone to feel pressured into purchasing scrapbooking supplies - that is not what this is about. All of the profits (100%) from sales made as a result of the crops are used to pay for our prizes, food/beverages, and handouts. I just want to give you guys another option as far as planning and preparing for the day. You will notice there is nothing on the calendar after August 13, 2011 because I am still waiting to hear whether or not we have a room for next year. If so, our crops will continue to take place on the second Saturday of the month.

Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments. Have a great weekend.

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