Sunday, July 3, 2011

basement remodel :: week 9

It was a big week.

room shot from corner

Very big. We now have a SOFA!

the giant shell

A corner sofa at that. We also have a giant game/scrapbooking/poker table. Any way you look at it, a place for entertaining:

room shot

We also added some things that belonged to my father-in-law.

shelf one

shelf two

Once the entire wall is complete, I'll show you a full shot of the shelves. (Should be next weekend sometime.) I installed wooden blinds in the family room this week as well. Office is next. Speaking of office...

the barn door

part one of office shelving

THE WALL IS DONE! It turned out even better than I expected and again, I'll share the full view once decorating is complete.

We'll be adding artwork to the wall by the game table, a little something by the brown leather chair in our family room, and lots still to the office walls. Looking forward to another fun week of embellishing our space. Until next time...

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  1. Love the chalkboard wall & your red couch!

  2. So awesome!!! Do you have the before and after side by side? That would be amazing!

  3. I love how your basement turned out. The paint colors are so bright and cheery and love that red sofa & your chalkboard wall! Great job decorating!

  4. Wow! Love it! Come and do my house next?! Can't wait to see pics of the finished product. Nice job. :)

  5. I'd hoped to do some "before" and "after" pics at the end of the project. We'll see if I can get my act together :)
