Friday, July 15, 2011

Baby J Milestone | Minnesota Infant Portrait Session

Baby J's mom and I go way back.

jodi & sharon

Waaaay back.

the gang

The images above are friends from the old neighborhood... snapshots taken with my very first camera! Imagine how fun it was to capture Baby J in the same place her momma used to play so long ago. In fact, you can even catch a glimpse of her old house in the series of images below:

by the pool

As you might have already guessed, my folks graciously let us "play" in their backyard again. Here are several of my favorites from the day:

with dad

big brother

run run as fast as you can

j bridge


heart dress


As you can see, this sweet 9-month old was very much full of smiles :)) And here is Baby J's mom, all grown up now - with a husband and children of her own:


A beautiful, beautiful family. Thank you again for allowing me to capture it!

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Tina! The pictures brought me to tears! You have done an amazing job. And thank you to your parents for allowing us to use their beautiful home. Can't wait to do it all over again in a few months.
