Thursday, June 30, 2011

the four of us :: june 2011

* one family photo * MY family * each month * for an entire year *

june family shot

June. School is out, Dairy Queen runs, it rained almost the entire month, the situation with my sister heated up again, we had our first fire of the season with neighbors, s'mores, booked a wedding for 2012, hanging out with friends, building furniture and otherwise decorating our newly finished space, went to a couple of movies, the tween has a horrible case of hives, the boys sailed through their swimming lessons and have moved on to the next level, and my mom's dear friend passed away after a long battle with cancer. June.

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  1. Tina~
    If that is your new basement...I. LOVE. IT. It is totally YOU! Super clean lines, simple, yet GORGEOUS! Good for you! Can't wait to see it in person. Have a great 4th!

  2. Thanks Jan!! We might need a meet-up at my mom's pool. I'll shoot you an email this week to see how your schedule looks!
