Friday, June 24, 2011

basement remodel :: week 8

Things slowed down a bit for us this week. We spent a great deal of time assembling IKEA furniture:

the office mess

Which is still in process. We purchased the television and Tony spent time in the wall, doing things only he could explain.


entertainment center DONE

And adding special touches, such as the magnetic chalkboard wall in the office:

more paint

start of THE WALL

And two photo collages in the family room. The small collage is below:

full small collage

closer small collage

The large collage is still a work in process (they goofed up my order and didn't send me any of the tween's pics). You can peek at that collage HERE (I'll post final pics when it's really, truly complete).

I fretted and fretted about hanging the collages until I learned an extremely valuable tip that I shared HERE. (You can find the grid wrapping paper at Walgreens or Hallmark.) With several more collages still to hang, this will save my walls from hundreds of unnecessary holes!

We hope to have more furniture next week (we've been waiting on an out-of-stock sofa) and THE WALL in my office will hopefully be complete!!! Until next time...

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  1. Great tip on the grid paper! Looks like it is really coming along!!

  2. We'll have to have you guys over when it's done to "break in" the space :)

  3. I have been a long time reader but have not posted. I love your photography! Such an inspiration! Can you tell me where you ordered your prints for your new basement?

  4. Hi Karen - I order my personal images from (which includes the pics on the wall). They do an awesome job! Thanks for visiting (and commenting) :)
