Friday, June 17, 2011

5 Fun Things Friday

five fun things

1. The Confetti Cake Blizzard at Dairy Queen.

confetti cake blizzard

Tastes just like birthday cake!!! And I am TOTALLY addicted.

2. SMASH Books. Tilly introduced me to these and I am TOTALLY addicted. Check out this cool video for more details on this SUPER COOL style of scrapbooking:

There's even a blog (click HERE) and an entire SMASH collection (click HERE).

3. My new favorite place to shop: Ruche.

sunshine splendor

Love the swimsuit pictured above and the Home & Office gear HERE... especially this pencil case:

snapshot pencil case

Oh and THIS super cute vintage metal sign. THIS cute little dress and THIS. And this gorgeous cardigan:

chiffon cardigan

Told you I loved this place.

4. Idle Hand Bars.

Idle Hand Bars

Need I say more?

5. Thirty-One. Tilly had a catalog. She sucked me in.

my wallet

Love this hardcase wallet.

Happy Friday!!!

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  1. **mouth watering as this is written** Well, now I'm just gonna have to make those scrumdidly bars for Crystal's baby shower tomorrow. I love the presentation of them! Thanks for sharing Tina!

  2. You're welcome! I can't wait to see some of the baby shower pics AND your handiwork, Kelli :)

  3. BTW, the Confetti Cake Blizzard can be found at the Rosemount DQ!
